Best Negative Data Prize


Eva Furrer


October 2, 2020

SwissRN steering committee member Hanno Würbel is senior author on a publication that has been awarded the Best Negative Data Prize: Evaluation of the effects of space allowance on measures of animal welfare in laboratory mice.

“Established in 2018 by the Global Preclinical Data Forum (GPDF) and co-sponsored by CVB, a non-profit research biotech, and the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP), the Best Negative Data Prize aims to highlight the value to negative data—or data where the results do not confirm the expected outcomes or original hypotheses—toward advancing knowledge in neuroscience, providing an incentive for preclinical researchers to publish their”negative data” results.”

First author, Jeremy Bailoo, is quoted in this press covering:

“I’ve always advocated for publishing negative results and many of my experimental papers reveal full or partially failed replication attempts. In my opinion, the factors determining the publication of findings should largely pertain to the experimental study design. After all, we are in the midst of a paradigm shift in biomedical research and awards such as this one contribute to moving transformational science forward,” says Jeremy Bailoo PhD, Research Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University, USA.

Congratulations to Dr Bailoo and to Hanno and the whole team for their persistence in pursuing goals which lie at the heart of SwissRN´s mission.

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