Bern Local Node News Feb.23
Bern Local Node News: Reproducibility Hackathon, May 5th 2023
As a first activity for this year the Bern node of the SwissRN is organizing a Reproducibility Hackathon on May 5th. The aim of the Hackathon is to investigate whether current practice of preregistration does indeed reduce researcher’s degrees of freedom to an extent that the analysis of study outcomes becomes reproducible. The Hackathon is a one-day on-site event in Bern (Friday, May 5th; though for students there is a pre-event lecture on May 4th covering principles of reproducibility, pre-registration, open data as well as a recap of mixed effect model analysis.) Participating students can get 1 ECTS point, all participants will get coffee, cake, and pizza ad lib.
More Information : see attachement
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Image credits: Dennis Skley
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