
Local Nodes of the SwissRN build the backbone of the network by initiating and coordinating activities at universities and other research institutions. Activities of local nodes are manifold, e.g.

The organisation of local nodes differs from institution to institution: from a formalised administration to informal grassroot groups. SwissRN encourages to ensure that membership is open to academic and research staff (at all levels) and professional services staff. Each Local Node has a Local Node Leader providing the point of contact for SwissRN.

Local Node Leaders

Institution Unit Contact
CERN Information Technology Tibor Simko ORCID Tibor Simko
École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Neuroscience – Brain Mind Institute Michael Herzog ORCID Michael Herzog
ETH Zürich Global Health Engineering Lars Schöbitz ORCID Lars Schöbitz
FernUni Schweiz Economics / Applied Mathematics Michael Kurschilgen ORCID /
Matthias Voigt ORCID
Michael Kurschilgen Matthias Voigt
Haute Ecole Spécialisée de Suisse occidentale (HES-SO) Data Mining and Machine Learning group Grigorios Anagnostopoulos ORCID Grigorios Anagnostopoulos
Idiap Research Institute AI for Trust Group and Biometrics Security & Privacy Group /
Biosignal Processing Group
Sébastien Marcel ORCID /
André Anjos ORCID
Sébastien Marcel André Anjos
St.Gallen University of Teacher Education Research Methods Working Group Michael Beck ORCID Michael Beck
Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) Bioinformatics Patricia Palagi ORCID Patricia Palagi
University of Basel /
University Hospital Basel
Department of Environmental Sciences/
Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Department of Radiology
Valentin Amrhein ORCID /
Valentin Amrhein Claudia Weidensteiner
University of Bern (Unibe) Veterinary Public Health Institute, Animal Welfare Division Bernhard Voelkl ORCID Bernhard Voelkl
University of Geneva (Unige) Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences /
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences,
NCCR Evolving Language
Evie Vergauwe ORCID/ Valentina Borghesani ORCID Evie Vergauwe Valentina Borghesani
University of Lausanne (Unil) Persuasive Technology Lab/
Applied Face Cognition Lab (AFC Lab)
Mauro Cherubini ORCID /
Meike Ramon ORCID
Mauro Cherubini Meike Ramon
Université de Neuchâtel (Unine) Institut de Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations Laurenz Meier ORCID Laurenz Meier
Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) Data Science Lab with Faculty of Economics, Euler Institute Antonietta Mira ORCID Antonietta Mira
University of Zurich (UZH) Center for Reproducible Science Leonhard Held ORCID Leonhard Held
Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) Institute of Data Analysis and Process Design (IDP) Christoph Hofer Christoph Hofer


Local Node Activities

Activity Unit Institution Contact
Open Science Initiative Department of Psychology UZH Johannes Ullrich
Center for Reproducible Science UZH UZH Leonhard Held
Swiss Open Psychological Science Initiative (SOPSI) Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences Unige and UZH Evie Vergauwe
Promoting more reliable research and communication of results Department of Environmental Sciences Unibas Valentin Amrhein



How to join

If you are organising a local group with pertinent activities/goals and want to become a Local SwissRN Node please send an email to

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