
Swiss Reproducibility Network

To promote rigorous research and robust results in Switzerland.

Manuela Höfler

Swiss Reproducibility Conference Program is online now! Register for the conference until 27th May 2024

The Swiss Reproducibility Network and the Swiss National Science Foundation organize the first Swiss Reproducibility Conference, taking place in Zurich on 10-11 June 2024. Register now for this first national conference that covers topics related to reproducibility and includes the National Reproducibility Awards ceremony.

The two-day conference includes sessions, a hackathon and workshops on reproducibility, replicability, transparency and open scholarship, as well as on meta-research and research assessment.

The keynote speakers are:

  • Tim Errington, Center for Open Science
  • Anne-Laure Boulesteix, University of Munich
  • Iolanda Pensa, University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland
  • Christopher Chambers, Cardiff University
  • Sarah de Rijcke, Leiden University
  • Tracey Weissgerber, Berlin Institute of Health at Charité, QUEST Center for Responsible Research

The conference program and all further information are available on the conference website: www.reproducibility.ch

Registration open until 27th May 2024

The registration fee covers all conference activities (scientific talks, coffee breaks, lunches, award ceremony and drinks reception, workshops/hackathon) held on 10-11 June 2024 as indicated in the conference program. When registering, you have to choose in which optional activities (award ceremony, workshops etc.) you will participate in. The number of participants in the workshops and the hackathon is limited. So book your slot now.
