
Swiss Reproducibility Network

To promote rigorous research and robust results in Switzerland.

Manuela Höfler

The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and the Swiss Reproducibility Network (SwissRN) co-organise the first Swiss Reproducibility Conference, which takes place 10 - 11 June 2024 in Zürich.

Reproducibility represents an extraordinary challenge for the entire research community. The aim of the conference is to bring together world-leading experts in the field of reproducible research with researchers from all career levels, including early career researchers, and from all disciplines to engage with and learn from each other how to make research more rigorous, transparent and reproducible.

The programme includes themed sessions with invited keynote lectures, contributed talks, interactive workshops, discussions, and the award ceremony for the Swiss Reproducibility Awards 2024. Save the date now, more news will follow soon!
